2021 Gifu Ogaki Biennale – International Simposium “L I F —— E !?”

The 2021 Gifu Ogaki Biennale – International Symposium will be held online from Friday, December 17 to Sunday, December 19, 2021. This year’s Biennale theme, “LIFE!? – The partially living, extreme biologies and alien life” brings together new approaches in art, philosophy, biology, chemistry and astrobiology, aiming to go beyond modern and postmodern thinking about “the living”.
The “Gifu Ogaki BIennale” has been held since 2004. This year the Biennale’s quest for new frameworks and terminology for thinking about “the living” in media art will focus on new meanings of materiality, agency and performativity.
For details of the event and the application process, please refer to the 2021 Ogaki BIennale website. We are looking forward to your participation.