OOTAKE Teruyuki

ドローン導入による自閉症スペクトラム障がい者のコミュニケーション拡張に関する研究 ─ふれ愛の家におけるSさんの事例より

The study for extension of autistic spectrum disorder’s communication by drone introduction: Case study of Mr.S in Fureainoie




Currently, drones are used in a wide range of fields, and they are available for even non-experts to purchase and operate.
 They are most often used for industrial aerial photography or the development of new airframe; however, I wondered if drones could be used to help people with disabilities, so I visited Fureai-no-ie disability support facilities in Ikeda city, Gifu prefecture to ask for supporting this study. After acquiring their agreement to help, I obtained a commercial drone, and had the users of Fureai-no-ie use it to investigate if the introduction of drones could contribute to the lives of disabled people.
 Mr. S, a user of Fureai-no-ie on the autistic spectrum, was most interested in this study. Using the drone, he began to communicate with people around him and take photos. I thought that his behavior was not a coincidence, and that there was some connection between symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder and the characteristic of drones.

Consequently, I considered the following two possibilities to describe this behavior:.
1) Mr. S used the drone as a communication tool.
2) People around Mr. S could understand Mr. S’ thoughts are feelings through his communication with the drone.

 Generally, autism spectrum disorder is considered to affect people’s ability to communicate and form relationships with others. However, over the course of my investigation I concluded that drones had the potential to help those on the autism spectrum overcome some of the communication problems they face.
 Finally, I worked with Fureai-no-ie staff to plan a drone performance. Mr. S, and other facility users were able to carry out the performance by supporting each other. Based on this fact and the results of questionnaires about this performance written by other facility users and the Fureai-no-ie staff, I saw how those around him were able to understand Mr. S’ thoughts and feelings. As a result of this, I claim that the use of drones represents a new method to support the communication of people with autistic spectrum disorder.
