

Masahiro Miwa Festival - Purified Night
ぎふ未来音楽展2020 三輪眞弘祭 ?清められた夜?


Johannes Ockeghem: Missa pro defunctis (organ and two MIDI accordion version) (15th C.)

Ockeghem: Requiem


Réquiem ?térnam dóna éis Dómine:
et lux perpétua lúceat éis.

Te décet h?mnus Déus in Sion,
et tíbi reddétur votum in Jerusálem:
exáudi orationem méam,
ad te ómnis caro véniet.

Réquiem ?térnam dona éis Domine:
et lúx perpétua lúceat éis.

Rest eternal give them, O Lord,
and perpetual light shine on them.

Thou shalt be hymned O God in?Sion, and unto thee
shall a vow be paid in?Jerusalem.
Hear my prayer; unto thee
shall all flesh come.

Rest eternal give them, O Lord,
and perpetual light shine on them.



K?rie eléison.
Christe eléison.
K?rie eléison.

Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.



Si ámbulem in médio úmbroe mórtis,
non timébo mála,
quóniam tu mécum es, Dómine.
Virga tua, et báculus túus
ípsa me consoláta sunt.

Yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow
of death I will fear no evil.
for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff
they comfort me.



Sícut cérvus desiderat ad fóntes aquárum:
íta desiderat ánima méa ad te, Déus.

Sitivit ánima méa ad Déum vívum:
quando véniam et apparebo
ante fáciem Dei méi?

Fuerunt míhi lácrimoe méoe pánes díe ac nócte,
dum dicitur mihi per síngulos díes:
Ubi est Déus túus?

Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks.
so length my soul after thee O God.

My soul thirtieth for the living God.
when shall I come and appear before
my God?

My tears have been my meat day and night,
while they daily say unto me:
where is thy God?



Dómine Jésu Christe, Rex glórioe,
líbera ánimas ómnium fidélium defunctorum
de manu inférni, et de profundo lácu:
líbera éas de óre leónis,
ne absórbeat éas tártarus,
ne cádant in obscura tenebrarum:

sed sígnifer sánctus Mích?l
repr?séntet éas in lucem sánctam:
Quam olim Abrah? promisísti,
et sémini éjus.

Hóstias et préces tibi Dómine offérimus:
tu suscipe pro animábus íllis,
quárum hódie memóriam agimus.
fac éas, Dómine, de mórte transíre ad vítam. 
Quam olim Abrah? promisísti,
et sémini éjus.


Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory,
free the souls of all the faithful
departed from the hand of hell, and
from the deep pit:free them from the lion's
mouth, lest hell swallow them up, lest they fall
into darkness.

But let the standard-bearer Saint Michael
bring them into the holy light:
which of old thou didst promise
to Abraham and his seed.

sacrifice and prayer to thee Lord we offer,
receive them for the souls
whom this day we commemorate;
make them, O Lord to cross over from death
into life;
which of old thou didst promise
to Abraham and his seed.

Formant Brothers: Spirit World Radio + Boi-Pa and Umi Yukaba (2020)

If I go far away to the sea

If I go far away to the sea
I shall leave my bones there
If I go far away to the mountains
I shall leave my bones there
Without one regret
I shall die for His Majesty
And for my fatherland

English Translation: YAMAGISHI, Katsuei(C)

Masahiro Miwa: Monju-Bodhisattva Speaks (2019)


by Sadakazu Fujii

pronunciation codes:

11, ma Ga tsu Bi no Xa sa Q;
The morning of the evil god
12, ko Xu shi te ho ro Bu Q;
thus destroyed
13, ko to no ha Ji ma ri?Q;
the beginning of the event
14, Xo Go ri no ta me shi?Q;
the example of arrogance
15, hi ni mo Xe sa ka ri Q;
into the fire
16, no ta Xu tsu ka ra su?Q;
crows tumble
17, sa ke Bu ni Xua to ri?Q;
chickens squawk

21, na me ku Ji ra ha Xe?Q;
Slugs crawl
22, na me te ha Xi Zu ri?Q;
creeping over
23, hi Xia se tsu me ta ku?Q;
the cooling cold
24, ma Xua re tsu chi no ko?Q;
the earth child must turn
25, he Do ro no mi Zu Xo?Q;
receive and drink
26, Xu ke te no mi ho se Q;
the slimy water
27, Xi ki mo no su Be te?Q;
all living things

31, ri ku?no sho Xu me tsu?Q;
Disappearance of the land
32, Xu mi no sa ku re tsu Q;
division of the sea
33, hi to no ki Xe sa ri Q;
hitonokiesari 1
34, hi ra me ku Xu ta no?Q;
sudden song?
35, hi tsu Gi Xua ne mu ru Q;
coffins sleep
36, mu ka Xe Bi ta ra shi Q;
fire beckons?
37, tsu Bu Xia ku mo no ra Q;
spirits mumble

41, ma Bo ro shi ni hu ku?Q;
Illusion blows
42, hi no ka ma Xi ta chi Q;
whirlwind of fire 2
43, Xa sa no ta tsu ma ki?Q;
morning tornado
44, ko Xe ta chi no Bo ri?Q;
a voice rises
45, Xa shu ra no ko to Ba?Q;
the word of Ashura 3
46, mo XN Ju Xua ka ta ru?Q;
Monju-Bodhisattva 4??speaks?
47, ka na shi mi Do kio Xu?Q;
Sutra 5??lamentation

51, mi Zu ni chi ri Bo Xu?Q;
the posy of purple flowers 6?
52, mu ra sa ki no ta Ba?Q;
fall in water
53, Xiu me Ji ni hi ra ku?Q;
and open the way to dreams
54, su Xe tsu mu ha na ka Q;
pluck the flowers
55, Da ki shi me Xio hi no Q;
hold the fire
56, ro shi XN te Zu ka mi?Q;
grasp the core
57, Xo sa na Ga mi ta chi?Q;
young gods

61, shi ra na mi to Xo ku Q;
A white wave far away
62, ki shi Be ni mi Xe te?Q;
seen from the shore
63, Xi no chi Zo ta ka ra Q;
life is a treasure
64, hi su Xi no ma ku ra?Q;
a jade pillow?7
65, ne mu ru hu ka sa Xo?Q;
the deepness of sleep
66, ka mi no Bi sho Xu De Q;  
the smile of the god
67, mo no ra Xo ki Da su Q;
spirits awaken

71, Xa so Bu ko Do mo no Q;
Children play
72, hi no su Be ri Da Xi Q;
on their slide of fire
73, mo Xe ru Bu?Zo ku?no?Q;
the burning family
74, na Xo mo ku su Bu ru?Q;
still smoulders
75, tsu me ta ki ho no Xo?Q;
cold fire
76, Xi no ru ma Do Go shi Q;
pray by the window
77, hu shi cho Xu no Go to?Q;
like a phoenix?

English Translation: Yumiko Urae

1??hitonokiesari: people vanish
2??a whirlwind of fire: a burning wind blown by evil spirits
3??Monju-Bodhisattva: Lord of Wisdom, Voice of the Law also the name of a sodium-cooled fast reactor in the Fukui prefecture?
4??Ashura: God of Wrath
5??Sutra: Buddhist scripture?
6??The fading purple flower: Spiderwort (Tradescantia)?
??The stamen hairs of some varieties fade to pink when exposed to ionising?radiation.
7 Jade pillow: once reserved to rulers of the Han dynasty,?
a jade pillow balances the flow of chi .