


IAMAS (Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences/International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences) has welcomed its twelfth year since its foundation as an educational research institution, which disseminates new culture formed by the fusion of science and art. This school not only provides a forum for transmitting knowledge and technology, it extends its aims to developing students into creators and researchers who will confront the new media age with their own experimental inventions. Crossing over science, engineering and even art, a broad spectrum of disciplines are reflected, and include a wide age-range , making IAMAS a meeting place for students of diverse backgrounds.
Website: http://www.iamas.ac.jp/E/index.html.

Five Studios of the Institute

Studio 1 Interactive Media
Studio 2 Time Based Media
Studio 3 Interface
Studio 4 Media Aesthetics
Studio E Representation Engineering

Four Courses of the Academy

AND Course Advanced Network Design
CGI Course Computer Generated Image
DIT Course Designing for Information Technology
DSP Course Dynamic Sensory Programming